Monday, October 22, 2007

Asaurus records and Colin Clary

I love nice cd packagings - especially nowadays, when the only time i ever use the actual cd is to rip the mp3s to my computer/ ipod - nice cd covers and inserts are what make it all worthy buying physical copies of cds rather than just digital downloads.

And what a big smile i had on my face when i received a parcel from Asaurus records this weekend. Asaurus has been around for almost 6 years and I still can't believe i had never ordered from them before. They are AMAZING!!!

Home to some awesome bands like Colin Clary, pants yell!, the diskettes, sinkcharmer, the mathletes, the fainstest ideas, and lots others, Asaurus is a small CD-R label based Athens, GA. It's run by artists and musicians, and they really put an effort in making things nice and special, all their releases come in handmade packaging, and just to give you an idea of how good these guys are: Colin Clary's, "sweater weather" comes inside a sweater, and the diskettes self tittled album comes inside a 5.25" floppy disc.

The main reason I placed this order was for Colin Clary's new album - Apocalypse yow! - which, after listening to it nonstop all weekend, is definitely one of my top favourite albums of the year. With 17 songs in just over 30 minutes, Apocalyse yow! delivers some very sweet melodies and real good lyrics to go with them. And it comes inside a real, working, paper foturne teller.

Get a taste for the album here:

Colin Clary - Blowing off the sun
Colin Clary - Top secret secret project
Colin Clary - Action figure

and go visit Asaurus store.

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Blogger Jean said...

I love your blog!!

November 23, 2007 at 11:57 PM  

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